Payment Options with Xero

Here are our favourite integrated Apps to accept payments through your Xero invoices:

1.    Stripe – customers can pay via Credit Card directly from your invoices. The integration with Xero allows for easy reconciliation of payments to so you always know which customers have paid.

2.  PayPal – customers can pay via Debit, Credit and from their PayPal account directly from your invoices via PAY NOW. You can even link your full PayPal account into Xero via a bank feed to track payments and purchases easily. This update multiple times during the day to get a snapshot of your income and spending on your dashboard!

3.  Eway – you can pass on credit card surcharges to your customer, for opting to use this method with Eway. It also allows payments directly from the PAY NOW button. Similarly to Stripe, this allows for easy bank reconciliation of customer payments.

Need help setting up your integrations or choosing a payment option that suits you and your customers? Touch base and we can help!