raw food

Taste.E Tips // for surviving the SILLY SEASON!

"Water gets warmer. Drinks get colder. Music gets louder. Nights get longer. Life gets better." - Anonymous

It's that time of year again, I am sure it comes around quicker as I get older! Although a great time of year with lots of fun, laughs, time with friends and family... it is also filled with parties, lots of alcohol, long hours, deadlines, stress, lack of sleep... a recipe for BURNOUT...

Here is how Taste.E are getting through this year:

Food as Fuel - the Raw Way...

With so many food fads, diets, pills, supplements, allergies, rules and restrictions on what we can and should eat, our relationships with food have become tainted. We have been brainwashed to fear food and to analyse what we eat in order to be healthy and have "the perfect figure". From calorie counting, to cutting out food groups or certain foods altogether?! This is no way to live... watching every mouthful and regretting meals...

Eating happily and enjoying life is all about one key concept.. BALANCE. Our plates should be as balanced as our lives. Choose colourful foods, natural foods and eat often!

With this paradigm in mind I have selected my favourite Sydney "Food Havens" full of natural, colourful and FLAVOUR PACKED goodies. Chefs are getting more creative with how they approach food and the dishes they are designing. They are going back to basics and in some instances, keeping it raw - no cooking required!