Make it Easy for Your Customers to Pay YOU!

Cash flow an issue? Here are our tips to remove the roadblocks to speed up the time it takes to get paid!

1.    Go Digital – emailed, electronic invoices are quicker to send (and receive). Customers don’t need to decode your handwriting and can have a copy for their records stored away.

2.    Add Files – with Xero you can drag and drop or even upload scans, spreadsheets or images to be sent in conjunction with you invoice. This reduces the likelihood that customer’s will query the invoice (with the support documentation to back up your invoice)

3.    Payment Options – give your customers different ways to pay – Credit Card, EFT, Paypal. This can help their cashflow too – or gain reward points on their credit card just for paying you! Make it easy for them to give you money! Here are our three favourite integrated tools for accepting electronic payments straight from your invoice!

4.    Follow Up – automatic invoice reminders at regular intervals will keep you in the forefront of their mind to ensure you are always on their “to pay list”.