Rebalance & Recharge

Coming off the back of an intense month of ‘firsts’ November for me has been all about rebalancing and being present. October was the first month of my Yoga Teacher Training, 2 x 4 week dance courses and a final performance at the end of the month, end of Quarter BAS lodgements and Superannuation requirements for clients and juggling the day-to-day tasks and a handful of new clients to systemise. So it’s fair to say I wasn’t bored!

At an energetic level, I felt centred but as though my feet never touched the ground – I didn’t sleep as soundly or as long as I should have but I also felt I didn’t need to as the energy running around my body was keeping me going. Often when I experience a burst of motivation and drive I sleep less hours, generally eat less and fit more into my day – I am up earlier, to sleep later and looking forward to the next task… it’s not a very present state as you can see.

Talk about contrast, as September was a mix of tears, depression, fear, the unknown and anticipation of what was imminent. The only way was UP.. and UP I went indeed… perhaps a little too far…

So with all that in mind, November so far has been a recharge physically and energetically. I’ve had my sister here and my two brothers next week for my birthday – family time has always been quite grounding for me – there is no judgement, no one to impress or expectations to meet (or exceed). It’s pure, it’s love, and it’s real. So a few good doses of that have (and will) do me the world of good. I’ve found myself being very present (at times) and have actively and by chance found myself being in the moment and just soaking it up. I’ve taken myself (and my sister in once instance) to the beach to watch the sunset, I’ve been for walks, I went dancing with some amazing new friends, I’ve had Reiki, I’ve been on a roadtrip through the countryside, listened to live music, been to see the penguins on Phillip Island at sunset on the beach, watched the stars, enjoyed a meditation class… and smiled a lot.

With two weeks left of this month... I am going to try and keep this theme going and enter the last month of the year present and with clarity.

Namaste x