
The Magic of The Moon...

The Magic of The Moon...

A blue moon is a second full moon in a calendar month, this month has been significant for me in terms of changes, loss and personal development... so a powerful rarity such as a blue moon seems fitting, and a perfect vehicle to SHIFT into February.

Step One... Start Somewhere

Step One... Start Somewhere

The first step is always the hardest - it's the commitment, the choice, the move in a new direction. An overwhelm of emotions (in my experience) tends to come with it often no matter what the "magnitude" of the potential outcome. Did I make the right decision? What's going to happen next? I am excited! This will be amazing! Will it?

New.. Everything was NEW

New.. Everything was NEW

The first week was a blur of repairs, sitting on hold and waiting in lines.. naturally, I tried to get everything done AS SOON AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE.. thinking this was make me feel "calmer" and "more settled" but it just stirred everything up quicker and added to my frustration.